Jersey Girl Librarian

Hi, My name is Sherry, I am a Librarian working in Charlotte North Carolina. I have recently moved to the Charlotte area from New Jersey. As my blog title shows I am a Jersey Girl at heart and wherever I go, so goes my Jersey pride.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Holidays part 2

Well, I got the money for the fish tank and because I couldn't go home for the holidays, he is traveling specifically from New Jersey to North Carolina later this week so we can go shopping and he can share his opinion on the tank. Oh what a joyous shopping trip that will be. Now we get to "discuss" in public instead of over the phone. So if you are in the Concord Petco or Petsmart (I don't remember what the store is) on Saturday night you might be treated to a rousing debate between me and my father-in-law.

My husband also got THREE (yes 3) types of saws for Christmas, a weedwacker and several other tools, that I am sure he will never use, since in the 10 months we have owned the house he hasn't lifted a finger to do any work around the house. They would have been better off giving me the tools and him the slippers I got because I am the one who seems to be doing everything around the house. It has fallen to me to pick out fixtures,and furniture and do all the painting and general fixing up around the house. And GOD forbid I do something he doesn't approve of.......

Okay in the words of my co-worker, I'm being snarky tonight. I am a little cranky because not only did my husband drag me down here to NC so he can pursue his dream career, but he sees nothing wrong with leaving me here when his job shuts down for the holidays. And I have to stay here to go to work, and he goes back to NJ to visit his family.

Luckily, my mom is a teacher and gets long holidays at Thanksgiving and Christmas. She comes down here and we visit and hang out and she gets to relax and read while I am at work all day.

Well that is enough snarkyness tonight. Have a great New Year!

I resolve to be less snarky in the new year!

Yeah, right!

Friday, December 22, 2006


What is it with holidays?! I am an adult, with no kids, and can afford the essential things that I need in life. I try not to buy myself things that are not absolutely needed and I try to give gifts like that as well. Okay, occasionally I splurge on myself and get something fun, and my gifts aren't always practical. I don't expect nor want extravagant gifts and I think that people should respect that. This time of year, whether you celebrate Hanukkah or Christmas (or both like me) or another holiday isn't it the thought that counts, not the size or the monetary amount of the gift that matter?
Case in point, My father-in-law, all year long I hear how they don't have money, money is so tight, blah, blah, blah. But when it comes to Christmas he goes all out and gets gifts that his grown kids and kids-in-law don't need or want. He just buys buys buys with no thought. I so want to say to him if you didn't spend so much at Christmas you wouldn't be scraping by the rest of the year, but I keep my mouth shut for family harmony.
Two years ago I asked for sheets, he was appalled that I could ask for something so practical (the ones I asked for were pretty expensive). He got me a George Foreman Rotisserie grill that is still in the box, last year it was a panini maker that is also still in the box. He knows I don't want or use these things but yet he buys them for me. (Apparently he thinks I am a bad cook)
This year, when he asked me what I want I thought I was finally prepared for him, but alas I still was not as extravagant, outlandish and non-practical as he wants. I asked for a fish tank. Not at all practical, not at all serious, and not big enough for him. I specifically asked for a 3-5 gallon tank that is easily transportable, easy maintenance and if I ever get tired of the fish, can be stored easily. Apparently a 5-gallon tank is not big enough he wants me to get a 12-15 gallon one. We have been "discussing" this for a few weeks now and I am frustrated at his lack of respect for my decisions.
He is not the only one I continually have this conversation with, I just don't have the space for everyone.
And isn't this holiday supposed to be for kids anyway? It has been a long time since I have been a kid and I don't feel I should be treated like one where my opinions don't matter.

Why does everything have to be so big and extravagant? Why can't it be what I want?!

Bah Humbug.

Happy holidays, what ever it is you celebrate!